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*1793 John Bill Ricketts presents the first circus in America in Philadelphia on April 3rd.

* One of the more important innovations in circus history included the introduction of the circus tent, or “big top,” which was first used about 1825. CIRCUS BLAST'S' Big Top sores 70 feet in the air and comfortably seats over 1000 people.

*1892 Frank Menches, while selling food concessions, runs out of link sausages. He asks his assistants to form ground sausage into patties and sell them as sandwiches. The hamburger is born.

* A racing camel’s top speed is 50 mph. In the Gold Cup that was recently run at Nad al-Shiba, the winning camel covered 6.21 miles at an average of 31.76 mph. Because a camel’s' hump stores fat, not water; lean, streamlined racing camels have very small humps.​
*The first Human Cannonball launched in 1877 in London, it was a 14 year old girl named Zazel. The current world record for the longest Human Cannonball Flight was 193 feet.
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